Happy Birthday to…

For the first post on this blog that isn’t about food, but me. First birthday as a non-student, many transitions, and where I am at this moment, I thought it is a good opportunity to write down some of my thoughts and show some gratitudes that I never had a chance to do so.


Growing up, our family doesn’t really celebrate birthdays. I was being taught that birthday is also my mother’s suffered day, hence I should be appreciating what my mother had gone through to bring me to this world. I guess that’s why birthdays were never a big deal, because it’s not just about me.


This September (2017) is definitely has much more meaning and more special to me up till this stage of my life. Quite a few milestones/major life event has happened that somewhat have a significant impact.

  1. Graduated from undergraduate, facing the reality like a newbie.
  2. Officially a permanent resident of Canada!
  3. Received my first full-time job offer after a long period of job hunting.

Since i graduated, I’ve been working as a freelancer, which I always considered it as a part-time job that branched out from the blog. I am grateful for all these opportunities and appreciate the flexibility I had as a freelancer. But honestly, it’s unstable. That being said, I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday present than a job offer!


  1. 從大學畢業的(還在摸索中的)社會新鮮人。
  2. 終於成為加拿大的永久居民!
  3. 經過幾個月漫長的求職生活,終於收到第一份全職的工作機會。


Now that I live 7,500 miles (~12,070 km) apart from my family, I’ve learnt to cherish every moments I get to spend with them. My family always try to coordinate as least one travel every year, and fortunately, we had two earlier of the year! I had the chance to visit few cities in Vietnam and Okinawa. Both countries have its distinct food cultures. I fell in love with Vietnam instantly, and Okinawa was an eye-opening experience as it is totally different than mainland Japan!

由於現在跟家人的距離隔著一個太平洋,我也學會珍惜每次跟他們相聚的時間。雖然在別人眼裡我可能很常回台灣,可是對我來說不管多頻繁,應該都不夠吧!ˇˊˊ每次回去,我們家也一定會安排旅遊,一年一次已成為例行公事了。今年年初,在回去的短短一個月中,很幸運的去了越南沖繩 。完全沒有抱著任何的期待第一次去了越南,卻深深的被這個國家的民俗風情吸引!而沖繩雖然屬於我永遠都去不膩的日本,卻跟本島有極大的反差。

I’m blessed to have parents and an older brother that allow me to just be myself and explore the world the way that I want to. They give me a lot of space, time, and patience. Though we do fights sometimes, but conflicts are part of the journey to be a grown up(?).


In terms of the blog, I’ve gone from a free WordPress.com to buying a domain and self-hosted .org site. This is a big step and commitment. Blogging is constantly work (and learn) in progress. I’ve learnt so much about social media, photography, SEO (still struggling…), and working with PR companies and brands. I’ve also gotten to meet some awesome people along the way who I’m glad to call friends now. Although working full-time meaning that I’ll have a rigid schedule, less flexibility, less “me” time, but I’m not going to give up the blogging side of me. After all, I’ve dedicated quite a lot of time in it, so don’t worry!


Looking back at my journey, I didn’t really set a goal for the blog. I started it just for a simple reason – share my love of food. I’ve never thought about how far I would have gone or even with all these different collaborations and opportunities. Though compare to a lot of influencers out there, I’m like nothing, but you know what, I am proud of what I have achieved so far, and I look forward and ready to embrace another milestone of my life. I may not be the best or most consistent blogger out there but my love of food and travel isn’t less than others. I love sharing my adventures with you, so thank you for all your support! It’s all just getting started…

回顧這一路來的旅程,我並沒有真正的為這個部落客之路設定一個目標。一開始只是為了一個單純的原因 – 分享我對食物的熱愛。我從來沒有想過我會走到今天這個地步,甚至沒有想到這個平台給我帶來的不同合作和機會。雖然與其他有影響力的部落客相比,我只是個小人物,但是,我為迄今為止所取得的成就感到自豪,我也期待著另一個里程碑。我雖然可能不是最好的或發文最頻繁的部落客,但我對食物和旅行的熱愛不會少于其他人。我喜歡和你(妳)分享我的心路歷程,所以感謝你(妳)的支持!新的一篇才剛剛要開始…



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