Category: Hong Kong

[HK] Nha Trang Vietnamese Restaurant (芽莊越式料理)

Nha Trang is one of my top restaurants in Hong Kong. It is always a must-visit as soon as I arrived. The reasons are because it is close to where my brother lives, and Vietnamese foods are light for dinner. Also, so far I can't find a decent Vietnamese restaurant in Kaohsiung nor Montreal yet! [caption id="attachment_143" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Saigon Ga Xe Phay (西貢牙車快)[/caption] This is definitely a must-order! According on their menu, it is a popular dish in Saigon. It is composed of finely cut red and green cabbage, shredded pickled radish, fresh bean sprouts, tossed with tender shredded chicken, sprinkled with fried garlic chips and crushed peanuts in a light fish sauce (nuoc nam) vinaigrette. Finally, it is garnished with  fried prawn crackers and diced cucumbers.