[TW] Bean-to-cup coffee – cama café (drip bag coffee 濾掛式咖啡)

The first time that I had cama coffee was an introduction from my mom few years ago. I first had their iced latte, which had a distinct smokey coffee flavors, and not too milky! I have the chance to sample their drip bag coffee, which I found that it is perfect way to brew a good cuppa at office or when you’re traveling!


*Giveaway at the end of the post! 文末有抽獎抽獎活動喲!

I received four kinds of coffee, from light roast to dark roast. On the packaging, it has clearly indicated the flavor profiles and the roast, as well as the only roastery in Taiwan that has received the certification from IIAC (Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caff’e, aka International Institute coffee Testers in English).

這次收到了四種不同烘焙程度的濾掛包,從我愛的淺焙到醇厚的深焙。cama的濾掛包是台灣唯一榮獲國際權威IIAC評鑑認證!共有9個國家162個樣品參加評鑑,經來自6位國際認證品鑒師進行盲測並榮獲 IIAC 國際咖啡品鑒大賽金獎的肯定。

They are packed individually, which is perfect for on-the-go! Individual packaging also ensures the freshness of the coffee grinds.


The coffee beans are already grinded, and sealed in the sac. Each sac has 8g of coffee.


There’s no need to have a filter! Simply hang the bag on the cup!


To brew the coffee, slowly pour in circular motion, just enough water to wet the coffee, and allow it to bloom for 15 seconds. Then in circular motion, add the water 2-3 times. For the best extract, the amount of water needed is around 150-180 ml.

一開始,先注入一些水(足夠讓咖啡粉都浸濕),讓它悶蒸15秒。之後,以畫圓的方式,分2-3次注入水。最佳的萃取亮為150-180 ml。

Since I was able to try 4 different kinds of coffee this time. Each of them had different flavors (obviously haha)! The light roast uses the beans from South America and Africa, which has a flavor profile of lemon, floral, and honey. It has higher acidity, yet it was well-balanced and refreshing. For the medium roast, cama uses Central South American beans for a clean taste. Compared to the light roast, medium roast has less acidity, but bolder, nuttier, and sweeter. As the roast gets darker, cama also has the medium-dark roast – the Golden Mandeling and Brazilian coffee. It uses the beans from Brazil and Indonesia, which give a smooth and balanced taste. The darkest roast has the boldest flavor with a sweet, caramel-liked aftertaste.


Each person has different taste for coffee, such that I love coffee with high acidity, but my parent aren’t so much of a fan. No need to worry, because cama covers wide ranges of coffee flavors that for sure you’ll be able to find one that suits your tastebuds! These are available at Carrefour in Taiwan!


*Updates 更新: It’s available on MOMO shop (an online shop) now!! 現在在MOMO購物網也買得到哦!

1. Comment below to let me know how do you brew your coffee
2. Comment under my Instagram photo to let me know what kind of taste do you like for coffee (eg. acid or sweet?) (Tag your friends for bonus entries)
3. The giveaway starts from now and ends on 14.03.2018 Wednesday. The winner will be announced on 16.02.2018; opens internationally. Good luck!
1. 在這篇部落格文章下方留言寫下您喜歡什麼樣的咖啡。
3. 贈獎活動從即日起到三月十四日星期三。 在 三月十六日星期五公布得獎者;不管你在世界的哪一個角落,都歡迎參與!

**Giveaway has ended. 抽獎活動已截止。


*Disclaimer: The products were sent to me for review from cama cafe. However, all opinions are mine. 


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